Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Future Perfect Continuous Tense ini dugunakan untuk menyatakan, keterangan
akan, telah, sedang, melakukan suatu pekerjaanpada waktu tertentu.
misal :" Jono akan telah sedang menunggu Jeni selama 2 jam, 
saat Tono datang", 
artinya : Saat Tono datang, Jono sudah dan masih menunggu Jeni sejak 2 jam
yang lalu.
Langsung ke struktur kalimat :

Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Subject +will+ have+been + Ving
Subject +will+not+ have+been + Ving
Will+Subject + have+been + Ving

Contoh Kalimat positif Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  • You will have been waiting for two hours when the bus finally arrives
  • We will have been working here for two years by next week.

Contoh Kalimat negatif Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  • You will not have been waiting for two hours when she finally arrives
  • TWe will have been working here for two years by next week.
Contoh Kalimat tanya Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Will you  have been waiting for two hours when the bus finally arrives ?
  • answer : Yes i will/No i will not
  • Will we have been working here for two years by next week ?
  • answer : Yes we will/No we will not
Ket : Perbedaan dari Future Perfect Tense:
pada Future Perfect Tense, subject pada waktu tertentu tidak sedang
melakukan pekerjaan yang bersangkutan. sedangkan,pada
Future Perfect Continuous subject pada waktu tertentu masih/sedang
melakukan pekerjaan/kegiatan tertentu.

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