Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Perfect Continuous Tense ini dugunakan untuk menyatakan, keterangan
sudah, sedang, melakukan suatu pekerjaan pada waktu lampau, misal :
" Saya telah menunggu di sini selama 2 jam, ketika bus itu datang tadi pagi ", 
dalam kalimat ini,subject sudah dan sedang menunggu tetapi,
waktunya tadi pagi ketika bus datang, ,.
Langsung ke struktur kalimat :

Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Subject + had+been + Ving
Subject + had +not+been + Ving
Had + Subject + been + Ving

He/ She/ It

Contoh Kalimat positif Past Perfect Continuous Tense
  • They had been talking for three hours before Tony arrived
  • She had been working at that company for three years when I was 17 years old
Ket: Pada kalimat pertama di atas, menerangkan lama waktu selama 3 jam sebelum 
Tony tiba(Tony arrived) di sini menerangkan bahwa kejadian itu lampau. Pada kalimat
kedua " when i was 17 years old " juga menekankan lampau.

Contoh Kalimat negatif Past Perfect Continuous Tense

  • They had not been talking for three hours before Tony arrived
  • She had not been working at that company for three years when I was 17 years old

Contoh Kalimat tanya Past Perfect Continuous Tense

  • Had They  been talking for three hours before Tony arrived ?
  • answer : Yes They Had/ No They Had not
  • Had She been working at that company for three years when I was 17 years old ?
  • answer : Yes She Had/ No She Had not

Menggunakan Past Perfect Continuous sebelum tindakan lain yang di masa lalu adalah cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk menunjukkan sebab dan akibat (because)

  • Jason was tired because he had been jogging.
  • Sam gained weight because he had been overeating.
  • Betty failed the final test because she had not been attending class.

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