Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

When star is missing moon

When loves blossomed between us ..
While the turmoil loves permeates into the soul ..
Often I hear beautiful words from your lips ...
Always I think the softness of your love ..
spoken like a beautiful melody .. simphoni

Scratch like a rainbow painted the perfect ...

look at the stars up there
impossible beautiful if its own,
so even of this heart 
hope you know and understand

hi ... try to hear the water splashing
ripples seemed to whispering to each other,
sounded softly calling your name
slow but sounded calm.
and I began to smile
when all I can feel
lovely and so beautiful I suppose
and indeed it is what I feel.

now everything has happened,.
have I entered one heart
which I impossible stay away
although there has been no definite word.

, ... .. if you're here
... ... if you understand.

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